Welcome to my blog... here I will be as honest I will be me. No apologies take me or leave me.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Teens and sex.....

I was watching the view today and they were talking about Elisabeth hasselbeck doing a study on teens having sex in the home with parents knowing and being ok with it.

I know times are changing and teens are having sex more and more and younger an younger but does that make it right for parents to be ok with it let alone knowing it's going on under their roof? Don't get me wrong I'm not condeming anyone that would make me a hyprocrite iv had sex as a teen (and at the age of 17 got pregnant had a miscarriage.) I understand there are hormones running wild and crazy but isn't that where the parent should step in and teach about birth control or abstance etc?? Am I wrong? I just think sometime parents forget they are parents and that they need to be in control. Do teens really understand the possible outcome of sex??

Now on the other hand... Maybe it's a good idea that way if they are feeling pressured to do something the parent is there to stop it. Idk kinda sounds weird to me.

I know I've not been in this situation as a parent before but I know it's going to happen one day and I'm honestly not sure how I will handle that when the time comes. I hope that I will have instilled some thing in Kai where he knows he can talk to me about anything but that he knows what's right and wrong.

What are your thoughts on this??

Btw the ages of these teens are 14-19.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feb 17th

WOW! what a day we had today! Started out by going to the Dr. for shots :( Kai weighs 16 lb 3 oz. 27 inches long! what a big boy!!! then we went to a park and walked around then went shopping for a High Chair then came home and took a nap. But when Kai woke up he was running a fever :( my poor baby! but hopefully tomorrow he will be all better and we can play some more. :)

OK so since I'm doing this blog thing i need some stuff to blog about any suggestions?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


So after the last blog I realized I keep thinking about stuff I have no control over... I realize Malakai is mine and no one can take him from me. so why be so afraid of it?? there is no reason. so now on to living everyday to the fullest and being there for my son. who is my everything! I never thought someone else could make me so happy! now on to figuring something out for school. since I'm not being able to get a job I decided now is the perfect time to go to school. now to choose a degree... hmmmmmm.....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

First blog....

Wow I never thougth I would be doing this but I keep forgetting things so I thought I would do this so I can remember :)

I have a great group of friends who are moms and seeing them act/talk with their kids makes me want to do that with Kai but I just don't feel attached or something- I'm scared I will lose him- I've lost everything important to me in the past so I'm scared about him which it totally stupid but totally honest. I'm hoping this changes and does so soon.

I never thought I would be a mom let alone a single mom. This is the hardest thing I've ever done. I love being his mom but I so could use someones shoulder once in a while.
I didn't think I was so negative about all this maybe I'm just really tired, because I'm really not negative about being a mom. I love it! Wouldn't change it for anything in the world. I love my lil man more than I've ever loved anything before.